Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Enjoying the ride

So my loves it has been quite a busy and fun couple of weeks in my life. As I mentioned before I decided to sign up for Central Casting here in LA to do some extra work for shits and gigs. I took it upon myself to meet with some of the casting directors there to see what they are looking for. Who knew that introducing myself and chatting for 2 minutes would get me 4 bookings in one week. Every set I've been on has been awesome. The crew & cast have been really nice too.

I have two words for you CRAFT SERVICES!!! My inner Dean Winchester comes out when I talk about craft services. My god do they have amazing food and I'm not just talking about rich foods either. I had to pinch myself when I saw the spread. Seriously people I don't know how I lived before this magical food machine appeared in my life. I have to admit I get the biggest kick out of seeing people who claim they don't eat crap food go right for the cake, cookies, and pasta...then go back for more. Furthermore, I don't know what to do when I'm not on set. Who is going to feed me?!?!? WHO?!

Aside from the food, this is a really fun gig to do. I look at this like any other job I've had. This is a business and you must be professional, kind, and most importantly listen. I'm being cast to be a part of a production, I'm not (nor have I ever thought I'm) bigger than anyone else. I'm the lowest man on the totem pole and I'm excited for the challenge. Before my last job ended I told myself that the next job I get "I don't care if I start at the bottom cause I will get to the top eventually."


(Below: Aaron Thomas & I on set)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Book Review: A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis

In this book A Grief Observed by C. S. Lewis, he beautifully depicts such a raw look at his own grief over the death of this wife.  He takes you through a slew of emotions, rants, an insights.  It reads as rapidly as the mind speaks to ones self.  Without a long drawn out "how they met" or even a descriptive look at her last days, you still feel every bit of pain and despair Lewis felt.

"What is grief compared with physical pain?  Whatever fools may say the body can suffer twenty times more than the mind.  The mind has always some power of evasion.  At worst, the unbearable thought only comes back and back but the physical pain can be absolutely continuous" C.S. Lewis pg. 40 A Grief Observed

How he describes what grief truly feels is unlike anything I have ever heard.  You almost wish for physical pain because you know that eventually there will be an end.  But grief is of the mind, no matter how hard we try to evade our thoughts they come back to haunt us over and over again.

I could literally go line by line through this book and detail it out but I advise you to read it for yourself.  What you will take from this is that grief no matter what the form; death or betrayal in my experience, impacts your life greatly.  It takes us on an incredible journey of selfishness, despair, acceptance, you name it.  It can be a force that can make of break you.  Which will you choose?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

You can play

It doesn't matter if you are gay or straight, if you can play, YOU CAN PLAY!

I'm so proud of how many hockey players are rallying for You Can Play.  Please watch this!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I hope you envisioned William Wallace screaming that as I intended.  This post is long overdue, like a year or more.  So if you haven't heard I am no longer working at my former place of employment.  Interesting fact is that an hour after it happened my stomach stopped hurting, related much?  I also haven't thrown up bile, what little food I could eat, or been dry heaving throughout the day since this happened.  So long diet (joke).  Stress and anxiety do some crazy things to your body.

Jobs come and go but you only have one body.  Be good to it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hello Universe, it's me Chelsea...

Three months ago life as I knew it change, an accident happened, no longer am I invincible.  The concept of being selfish to me is like a bad word I've always equated it with being wrong.  That maybe if I thought of myself first I would disappoint someone or something.  My entire life I've given to others without batting an eye.  Now it's a different story.       

I went from having tons of energy, doing two-a-day workouts, playing sports to lying in bed all night/day in immense pain with little to no resolve, no energy to deal.  For months now I've averaged 1-4 hours of sleep a night if I sleep at all.  The stabbing and throbbing pain has been unlike anything I've ever experienced in my life.  The toll this has taken on my body physically is understandable but the mental and emotional toll is worse some days then the physical pain.

Not being able to do simple tasks that I could do with ease before angers me to no end.  Cooking, a huge love of mine is reduced to 15-20 minute sessions while icing and medicating to be able to even stand that long.  Same with running errands or being out with friends.  I have to time how long I can last, basically give myself a window hoping that each time I can endure a little more.  Needless to say I don't get out much anymore because each time I get a cruel reminder that I'm not the same Chelsea anymore.

Working out is non-existent at this point.  Some days I feel as if maybe I can do a little exercise (by little I mean authorized therapeutic stretches) yet the crushing reality of my situation rears it's ugly head and I'm again lying in bed icing, feeling like shit.  Being told by several medical professionals that I will never get back to my 'old self', won't be able to play contact sports, if any sports again is enough to make any person, less an athlete like me break down.  I could lie and say that I've taken this all in stride, been in good spirits with a go-getter attitude but I haven't.  No one likes being told they can't do something that they once excelled at.

I'm stubborn if you haven't noticed and will be the first to admit it.  I'm also very independent and capable.  Three things that don't mix well with a severe back injury.  Having to rely on others for anything is not easy.  I've had to rely on myself for so long that entrusting someone with something as small an a meaningless task is hard.  It sounds stupid and childish, which it is I'm aware, but there are very few I trust.

One of the hardest things through all of this has been dealing with my family and friends.  The wash of helplessness that blankets their faces when then see me cripple over in pain as I go straight to the floor hugging my knees, eyes closed, with controlled breathing.  Empty conversations, people not knowing what to say.  I never want to burden people with my problems and I don't want the added stress of knowing they feel like they can't help me, it's weighs on my conscience.

A characteristic that many identify me with is strength; being a strong person physically, mentally, emotionally.  I've always known I've possessed a great deal of it.  Everyday I attain a new level of it.  Strength in coping with the pain.  Strength in keeping a sane logical mind throughout all of this.  Strength in allowing myself to feel what I'm feeling and not letting it get me down all the time.  It's takes a great effort to smile, laugh, be positive when all I want to do is curl up in bed.  It's exhausting.  All I want is relief.

The mind is such a powerful thing, many don't realize it's potential.  It has the capacity to heal, to mask, to create the world you want.  We often don't realize that the things we think about have an energy, one that constantly communicates with the universe.  Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it....a statement so honest yet many don't understand what it's true meaning is.  It really means that although you get your wish it may not be in the capacity that you thought it would be.

For example someone may want a relationship to work, they focus so hard on getting what 'they' want, that they disregard all the signs and don't realize that they aren't getting that relationship.  I've experienced this many times asking for calm, for rest, for time to write, time to paint...wish granted darlin'.  It has never been in the way I have imagined, especially now, but every time I learn a great life lesson.

I'm learning I need to take care of me first.  Even though I was physically, I wasn't emotionally and mentally.  I wasn't using all my creative and artistic talents to balance my life and center myself.  Funny thing is I actually started this blog five months ago but never posted anything.  I'm a born communicator and writer.  I abandoned such an integral part of who I am and for what?  I became afraid of my talent, afraid of some self imposed responsibility I felt to continue to impress and produce so I ran from it.  I threw myself into my 'paying' job and kinda flipped the bird to everything else.  Asleep at the wheel so to speak.

I will get better.  I will get the life I want...Universe I received your message whether or not I wanted to listen and this is what I've gathered.  I'm awake.